Monday, March 22, 2010

On Sunday I got baptized. It was kinda fun and kinda not fun. The fun part was when they leaned me down real quick and back up in the water. I can't believe me teacher cried but I was not afraid because my teacher was right beside me. The part that was scary was when I was walking in the pool because I thought I would slip. I always like going downstairs and playing with my friends on Sunday morning. They talk to me a lot and I hope they will always be my friends. I am learning a lot from my teacher. My teacher is the best. She teaches me about God and the things Jesus did like bringing girls and boy back from the dead if their mommy had a broken heart. God is always in our hearts and He will always be there. I love Him more than anyone else because He saved us from our sins. He gave us a chance and He is the one we should love the most.

1 comment:

  1. I don't even know how to express how proud I was of you that night. You had been wanting to be baptized for so long but you were so afraid of being dunked! Finally you talked to Pastor Billie and she got you feeling better and helped you pray for courage. I am so proud of you for making such a big choice while you are still such a little girl. You are growing up so fast, and I am unbelievably proud of you.

