Monday, March 22, 2010

I have the best mommy in the world. She is the best mom. I like her and I love her. She is the best and she will always be the best. She is nice to me for the whole entire day. I can't believe what we do together! She plans so much fun things!

My sister is the best. I will always love her and she always will be in my sight. She is the bestest sister I ever could have. I love her so much it almost breaks my heart.

He is so incredible. I can't believe how much things he can make. I can't believe that he is so big! He is bigger than a giant! I love him but sometimes we fight. I can't believe it but he is the best no matter what and he loves me no matter what and he will always be in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Josephine, I am so proud of you! Things might not always be perfect in our family, and they are surely not always perfect in other families either, but I love being your mom and being able to see you and hang out with you all the time. You are an amazing little girl and I love you.

